400 Bad Request: What is it and How to Fix it?

A 400 Bad Request error can be a common yet frustrating experience in web browsing. This error is an HTTP status code indicating that the server cannot process the request due to a client-side issue.

Understanding why this error 400 occurs and how to resolve it is essential for improving your online experience. By addressing these issues, you can ensure smoother interactions with websites and minimize disruptions.

Knowing how to identify and fix an error 400 Bad Request error can significantly enhance your web browsing efficiency and overall user experience.

What is a 400 Bad Request Error?

A 400 Bad Request error is an HTTP 400 status code indicating that the server cannot process the request due to a client-side issue. This typically involves malformed syntax, invalid request messages, or deceptive input.

Understanding HTTP Status Codes

HTTP status 400 codes are essential in client-server communication, helping both parties understand the result of a request. These codes are grouped into five classes:

  • 1xx (Informational): Bad request error 400 received, continuing process.
  • 2xx (Successful): The action was successfully received, understood, and accepted.
  • 3xx (Redirection): Further action must be taken to complete the request.
  • 4xx (Client Error): The request contains bad syntax or cannot be fulfilled.
  • 5xx (Server Error): The server failed to fulfill an apparently valid request.

The 400 Bad Request error belongs to the 4xx category, specifically pointing out issues from the client’s side.

How do Servers Interpret Requests?

When a client sends a request to a server, it includes various elements like headers, parameters, and body content. The server examines these components to ensure they adhere to expected formats and standards. If any part of the request is invalid or cannot be processed, the server responds with appropriate HTTP status codes, such as 400 for bad requests.

Understanding these fundamentals helps in identifying and rectifying error codes 400 in web communication efficiently.

Common Causes of 400 Bad Request Errors

1. Invalid URL

An invalid URL is one of the most common reasons for a Bad Request 400 error. The URL structure must follow specific syntax rules set by the HTTP protocol. When these rules are broken, the server cannot process the request, resulting in an error.

How Invalid URLs Lead to Errors:

  • Typographical Mistakes: Simple typos can turn a valid URL into an invalid one. For example, using htp:// instead of http:// or www.exmaple.com instead of www.example.com.
  • Incorrect Characters: URLs must use specific characters and encoding formats. Special characters like spaces, symbols (<>#%{}|\^~[]), and others must be encoded properly. A common mistake is forgetting to encode spaces as %20, leading to errors.

Examples of Common Typographical Mistakes and Incorrect Characters:

  • Misspelled Domain Names: Typing gogle.com instead of google.com results in an invalid URL.
  • Improper Character Encoding: Using spaces directly in a URL path (e.g., /my folder/) rather than encoding them as %20 (/my%20folder/).
  • Missing Protocols: Omitting the http:// or https:// prefix can cause errors in certain contexts where the protocol is required.
  • Unclosed Paths: Leaving out trailing slashes when required by specific servers or web applications can lead to malformed requests.

Understanding how these small but significant errors impact web communication helps users troubleshoot and prevent 400 Bad Request errors related to URLs.

2. Corrupted Cache and Cookies

Cached data and cookies are stored by your browser to enhance loading times and improve user experience. However, these stored files can become corrupted due to various reasons such as:

  • Browser updates
  • Improper shutdowns
  • Conflicts with other software

When cached data or cookies become corrupted, they can interfere with request processing, leading to a 400 Bad Request error. This happens because the server might receive outdated or incorrect information from the corrupted cache or cookies, preventing it from properly interpreting the request.

Impact of Corrupted Data:

  • Invalid Session Data: Corrupted cookies may contain invalid session information, causing authentication errors.
  • Stale Content: An outdated cache may deliver stale content that doesn’t match the server’s current configuration.
  • Encoding Issues: Incorrectly stored data can lead to encoding problems, resulting in malformed syntax.

Understanding how corrupted cache and cookies affect your browsing experience helps in diagnosing and resolving the 400 Bad Request error efficiently.

3. Large File Uploads

When trying to upload files, both the client and server have limits on file size. Server file size limitations are often set to prevent resource overconsumption or potential security risks. If you exceed these limits, you might see a 400 Bad Request error. You might think an error like “my search is unsuccessful means” what.

How it happens:

  • Servers check incoming requests to make sure they follow certain rules.
  • If the file size is bigger than what the server allows, it will reject the request.


  • Users will see a 400 error instead of being able to upload their files successfully.
  • The Google error 400 message usually says that the request couldn’t be processed because it’s too big.

To avoid this issue, make sure your files are within acceptable limits before uploading. If needed, consider compressing or splitting large files.

4. Malformed Syntax in Requests

Malformed syntax in requests is a common reason behind 400 Bad Request errors. When a request sent to a server doesn’t follow the expected structure, the server has difficulty processing it, resulting in an error. Understanding the details of request structure can help avoid these mistakes.

Common Formatting Mistakes That Trigger This Error:

  • Incorrect URL Structure: URLs must follow a specific format. Typos, misplaced special characters, or missing elements can invalidate the request.
  • Improper Header Fields: HTTP headers carry important information about the request. Missing required parameters or incorrect formatting in these fields can result in errors.
  • Faulty Query Parameters: Query strings attached to URLs need proper encoding and syntax. Misplaced ampersands (&) or equal signs (=) can cause problems.
  • Invalid JSON Payloads: For API requests, JSON payloads must adhere to strict formatting rules. Unescaped characters or mismatched braces ({}, []) lead to malformed syntax.

By paying close attention to these aspects, you can reduce the chances of encountering 400 Bad Request errors due to malformed syntax.

5. DNS Issues

DNS (Domain Name System) plays a crucial role in web browsing by translating human-friendly domain names into IP addresses that computers use to identify each other on the network. This translation, called domain resolution, is essential for accessing websites.

1. Outdated DNS Entries

When the DNS cache on your device stores outdated or incorrect entries, it can lead to domain resolution problems. These issues might cause the server to misinterpret your request, resulting in a 400 Bad Request error.

2. Impact of DNS Issues:

  • Invalid URL: Even if the URL structure is correct, outdated DNS entries can prevent proper domain resolution.
  • Corrupted Cache and Cookies: Similar to browser cache, DNS cache can become corrupted and interfere with web requests.
  • Large File Uploads and Malformed Syntax: While not directly related, DNS issues can exacerbate these problems by compounding existing errors.

Addressing DNS-related 400 Bad Request errors involves flushing the DNS cache to remove outdated entries and ensure accurate domain resolution. This step can often resolve persistent errors that stem from improper domain name translations.

How to Fix a 400 Bad Request Error?

1. Check URL for Typos

URL verification is a critical initial step in troubleshooting steps for HTTP 400 errors like the HTTP error 400 Bad Request. Typographical errors or invalid characters in the URL can easily lead to this error. Follow these steps to ensure your URL is correctly formatted:

  • Double-check the URL: Carefully review each character in the URL to spot any typos. Look out for misplaced symbols, incorrect slashes, or extra spaces.
  • Validate special characters: Certain characters may need to be encoded. For instance, spaces should be replaced with %20, and other special characters must follow proper encoding rules.
  • Confirm domain name: Ensure that the domain name is spelled correctly and does not contain any unintentional alterations.
  • Use a URL validator tool: Online tools can help you automatically detect and correct invalid URLs.

By meticulously verifying and correcting the URL input before sending requests, you can often resolve the 400 Bad Request error quickly and efficiently.

2. Clear Browser Cache and Cookies

Clearing your browser cache and cookies can resolve many issues, including the 400 error code. Cached data and cookies might become corrupted, leading to problematic requests.

Steps to clear cache and cookies:

Google Chrome:

  • Click on the three dots in the top-right corner.
  • Go to More tools > Clear browsing data.
  • Select “Cookies and other site data” and “Cached images and files”.
  • Click Clear data.

Mozilla Firefox:

  • Click the three horizontal lines in the top-right corner.
  • Go to Options > Privacy & Security.
  • Scroll down to “Cookies and Site Data” and click Clear Data.

Microsoft Edge:

  • Click on the three dots in the top-right corner.
  • Go to Settings > Privacy, search, and services.
  • Under “Clear browsing data,” click Choose what to clear.
  • Select “Cookies and other site data” and “Cached images and files”.
  • Click Clear now.

This can be a quick fix for many HTTP code 400 errors, making it an essential troubleshooting step.

3. Disable Browser Extensions

Browser extensions can sometimes interfere with requests, leading to errors like the 400 Bad Request. Extensions designed for ad-blocking, privacy, or other functionalities may inadvertently block legitimate requests.

Steps to disable browser extensions for troubleshooting:

Google Chrome:

  • Click on the three-dot menu in the upper right corner.
  • Navigate to “More tools” > “Extensions”.
  • Toggle off each extension and reload the page.
  • Mozilla Firefox:
  • Click on the three horizontal lines (hamburger menu) in the upper right corner.
  • Go to “Add-ons” > “Extensions”.
  • Disable each extension and refresh the page.

Microsoft Edge:

  • Click on the three-dot menu in the upper right corner.
  • Select “Extensions”.
  • Turn off each extension and reload the webpage.

Disabling extensions helps isolate whether they are causing HTTP errors, aiding effective troubleshooting steps for HTTP errors.

4. Flush DNS Cache

Flushing the DNS cache can resolve issues caused by outdated or incorrect domain name resolutions. Here are the steps to do this on different operating systems:


  • Open Command Prompt as an administrator.
  • Type the following command and press Enter: shell ipconfig /flushdns
  • You should see a confirmation message that the DNS cache has been successfully flushed.


  • Open Terminal.
  • Depending on your macOS version, type one of the following commands and press Enter.
  • For macOS Sierra and later: shell sudo killall -HUP mDNSResponder
  • For OS X El Capitan: shell sudo dscacheutil -flushcache; sudo killall -HUP mDNSResponder


  • Open Terminal.
  • Type the following command and press Enter: shell sudo systemd-resolve –flush-caches
  • For older distributions, you might need to restart the nscd service: shell sudo /etc/init.d/nscd restart

By following these steps, you can clear any corrupted or outdated DNS entries that might be contributing to the 400 Bad Request error during URL verification and troubleshooting steps for HTTP errors.

5. Reduce File Size for Uploads

To avoid exceeding server limits and triggering a 400 Bad Request error, consider the following tips for reducing file size:

  • File Compression: Use tools like WinRAR, 7-Zip, or online compression services to reduce the size of large files.
  • Image Optimization: Tools such as TinyPNG or JPEG Optimizer can significantly compress image files without losing quality.
  • Video Editing: Lowering resolution or bitrate using software like HandBrake can help resize video files effectively.
  • Document Simplification: For documents, remove unnecessary elements and use PDF compressors like Smallpdf to reduce file size.

By implementing these techniques, you can ensure your uploads remain within acceptable limits, preventing 400 Bad Request errors.


Taking proactive steps can significantly enhance your browsing experience by minimizing the occurrence of 400 Bad Request errors. Regularly check URLs for accuracy, clear your browser’s cache and cookies, and keep an eye on file sizes when uploading. These simple habits can prevent many common issues.

If persistent problems arise, don’t hesitate to contact the website administrator or your internet service provider. They can investigate server-side configurations or potential network issues that might be causing the error.

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